
Galloway Fine Arts is a refreshing and unique experience for students and the community. With curricular opportunities spanning from PreK3-twelfth grade, Fine Arts boasts 100% participation in Early and Middle Learning and 85% overall participation including Upper Learning. What makes us different?

Elliott Galloway famously said, "Find out who you are and become that person."

In Fine Arts, we live those words daily in how we approach curriculum and how we serve all types of students. We believe we have two types of students in Fine Arts: Finders, students who are exploring their creative selves and enjoy a variety of disciplines; and Becomers, students who have discovered a connection with a particular discipline and are ready to commit at a higher level.

Galloway faculty have developed a set of Values Statements that act as guiding principles in all we do in Fine Arts. These values are at the core of how and what we teach our emerging artists. 

With curricular opportunities beginning in PreK3 and continuing through senior year, Fine Arts are at the core of a Galloway education.