Selection Process
The Galloway Library purchases fiction and nonfiction resources for use by Galloway students, faculty, and staff. Materials are acquired through the use of professional publications and review sources, as well as through professional networking and conferences. Bestseller and national/international book award lists are consulted as well.
Library purchases are made for academic and pleasure reading purposes to foster a lifelong love of reading. The library makes purchases that coordinate with curriculum and research. Additionally, purchases are made in response to specific student and teacher requests.
Potential purchases are reviewed with the following potential considerations in mind:
- Existence of positive reviews, accolades, and awards
- Presence in other library collections
- Literary quality
- Timely content/themes
- Content pertinent to classroom curriculum and research projects
- Age appropriateness
- Interest to students, faculty and greater community
ML Summer Reading
Each spring, the ML/UL Lead Librarian conducts a series of meetings with ML teachers to generate a list of potential ML summer reading titles. Consideration is given to titles that provide diverse perspectives, expand student worldview, align with school themes and encourage curriculum tie-ins with multiple disciplines. At times, a school-wide common read may be selected for all ML students and faculty to read. When there is no common read, a list of student choice books may be offered in its place.
The list of potential summer reading titles will be reviewed and narrowed down by the ML/UL Librarian and ELA team. Once a final list has been chosen, it will be sent to Level Principal, Assistant Principal, and Head of School for a final review. Once this list has been approved, it is posted internally.
UL Summer Reading
All full-time UL faculty are encouraged to host a summer reading book club. Teachers are free to select a book of their own choosing. Teachers should have read this title prior to offering it as a summer reading offering. Each year, a survey will be sent out to teachers to record their choice of book club book. When a teacher is unsure of a book selection to offer, they are invited to ask the ML/UL Librarian for suggestions. Librarian suggestions are obtained through professional literature.
Additional suggestions are solicited through a UL student suggestion process. A separate voluntary survey will be sent to students to solicit student suggestions. Only student suggestions submitted directly through this survey will be considered. If students come to the library to recommend a book in person, they will be asked to fill out the survey to record their nomination.
Once teacher and student nominations have been collected, the ML/UL Librarian will examine the list for age-appropriateness. She will offer student nominations to teachers who have not yet selected a title during a UL faculty meeting. If a teacher chooses to consider a librarian or student-nominated title, they should read it prior to selecting it as their personal summer reading offering. When all teachers have chosen an appropriate summer reading title, the ML/UL Librarian will present a finalized list to Level Principal, Assistant Principal and Head of School. Once this list is approved, it will be posted internally. Students will formally choose which club they would like to join and join that club as space permits. The library will purchase one book for every student that has signed up for a club. It is expected that students remain in the club they have signed up for after their book has been purchased.
ORB Lists
Outside reading is a pivotal part of cultivating lifelong reading habits. Each fall, the librarian will meet with all ML grade level ELA teachers to discuss additions or modifications to grade-level lists of literature that are appropriate for outside reading purposes and corresponding activities in the classroom. The purpose of these lists is to encourage student choice and provide title options that are interesting, relevant, and age-appropriate.
Reading Bowl
Each year, the library participates in the Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl. EL and ML Reading Bowl titles include annual Georgia Children's Book Award nominees. UL Reading Bowl titles include titles from the Georgia Peach Award nominee list. Students will sign up to read specific titles and meet to discuss titles on a semi-weekly basis in the fall. In the spring, students will gather in various competitions and activities to celebrate their knowledge and love of these books.
Library Donations
The Galloway Library welcomes gifts and donations that are in excellent, like-new condition and fit into the selection criteria mentioned above. Books that are not added to the collection will be donated to a local charity or returned to donor.
Items in Honor of Individuals
The Library welcomes items donated in honor of esteemed, beloved community members past and present. The library will accept direct donations of materials for individuals or purchase materials on behalf of individuals. Please send a letter of interest to Development Office to begin this process.
Requests for Reconsideration
It is the right of all individuals in the Galloway community to present any questions or concerns regarding materials that exist in the library collection. The following process is established for all requests for consideration of materials:
All requests for the reconsideration will be handled by the appropriate divisional librarian who will:
A. Provide individual a Request for Reconsideration form (Appendix B) and ask that it be returned to the appropriate divisional librarian,
B. Email the individual who has placed the request a copy of the Galloway Collection Development Policy,
C. Upon completion and return of the form, the appropriate level librarian will meet with leadership (Head of School, the Director of 4D Learning and Principal of the specific division) to consider the challenge, the selection criteria in place and the educational objectives of the school. With all of this in mind, a determination will be made on how to proceed.
D. Librarian will then meet with individual who completed the request to discuss the title, determination, and any additional concerns.
E. If further action is necessary, the ML/UL Lead Librarian will again meet with leadership. If the final decision requires the book to be removed from the collection, the ML/UL Lead Librarian will be responsible for removing this title.
Maintaining a healthy, vibrant and pertinent collection requires the periodic removal of materials that are outdated and less relevant to the educational or personal goals of the Galloway reading community. Weeding also includes the replacement of materials that are lost or worn over time.
The library will continually evaluate materials according to selection criteria listed above and shall discard materials that are outdated, worn, damaged or in any other way inappropriate to the library collection.
The following criteria are considered in weeding the collection:
- Circulation: Materials that have not been checked out for ten years are considered for weeding.
- Physical Condition: Items in poor physical condition are weeded, and a decision will be made on whether to replace the specific title or a similar title.
- Timeliness: Materials may be weeded if they are deemed factually obsolete (particularly in the science/technology realm) and/or no longer support the curriculum.
- Reliability: Materials that prove to be inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable are weeded
- Duplicates: Duplicates are not automatically weeded but are considered in the weeding process. Duplicate titles are examined to ensure they are being checked out and/or are included in the curriculum for the upcoming year (this may include Outside Reading Book lists, required reading lists, project syllabi or research units).