By Head of Community Engagement Gordon Mathis
Before George Hallowell ‘25 joined the Galloway community several years ago, he had already decided to grow his hair long, planning to donate his mane when the time came for a haircut. As his hair started to grow past his shoulders, he and his family began to explore various organizations that accepted hair for wigs. They decided upon Locks of Love, which accepted donations for children who struggle with the effects of cancer treatment and alopecia, which causes hair loss.
At the start of the school year, the stylists at Van Michaels Salon braided over 10” of George’s hair before cutting it off and sending it off to be processed into a wig. George’s two and a half years of hair growth will prove to be a gift to one of 5.2 million children who deal with hair loss - not bad for a back-to-school haircut!