UL Debate Teams Recognized as Co-Champions

UL Debate Teams Recognized as Co-Champions

This past weekend at Johns Creek, six freshmen represented Galloway's three debate teams in the novice division. All six debaters placed in the top 10 speakers for individual awards and two teams advanced into semifinals. Since both teams won their semifinal debates, they were recognized as co-champions! 

Those who received individual (speaker) or team (partnership) awards at Marist and Johns Creek were as follows:

  • Marist Varsity Octofinalists (10th seed) - Owen Stone '22 and Margaret Edmonds '23
  • Johns Creek Novice Co-Champions - Emerson Waller '25 and Elias Kremer '25
  • Johns Creek Novice Co-Champions - Mac Anderson '25 and Eliana Diaz-Williamson '25
  • Johns Creek Novice 1st Speaker - Emerson Waller '25
  • Johns Creek Novice 2nd Speaker - Elias Kremer '25
  • Johns Creek Novice 3rd Speaker - Mac Anderson '25
  • Johns Creek Novice 5th Speaker - Hanna Livingston '25
  • Johns Creek Novice 7th Speaker - Eliana Diaz-Williamson '25
  • Johns Creek Novice 9th Speaker - Nora Perez-Rubio '25

"Thinking back to our initial speeches and debates from early September, I can truly say that every single debater has made improvement in their ability to articulate and deliver a concise and well-explained argument," said debate coaches Cheryl Despathy and Clay Stewart.

Next up, students will participate in upcoming virtual tournaments at Westminster in November and Midtown in December and a (hopefully) in-person tournament at Alpharetta in January.