by Assistant Head of School for Academics David Long
One of the strengths of our Galloway community are the supportive parents who take the time to work with our students! Middle Learning robotics teacher Dr. Sandra Varajic took advantage of this opportunity by partnering with Galloway UL parent Andrew Crawford to show her students a working metal shop.
Mr. Crawford, father of Upper Learning student Edward Crawford ‘22, invited students on the FTC Robotics Teams in 7th and 8th grade to visit his metal shop, Iron Works. The FTC Robotics Teams work with Tetrix and Rev metal parts to build and program robots for competitions. Mr. Crawford offered students a visit where their designs would be cut with metal at his shop, Iron Works in Atlanta. Students designed capstones, which are part of the FTC Robotics game this year, and team signs to be displayed in pit areas during competitions.
Designs created by students were sent to Mr. Crawford, and students watched as Mr. Crawford and shop employee Mr. Jay cut the parts and pieces for our robotics teams. Students saw the design process in action as adjustments to designs needed to be done on-site using Solid Works, so that the Waterjet machine used by Mr. Jay could cut the parts. The FTC Robotics Teams were able to use the team signs to identify the Galloway teams during Saturday’s first Robotics Meet.
Thank you to Dr. Varajic and Mr. Crawford for providing this wonderful learning opportunity for our students!