IN THE CLASSROOM: Writing for Stage & Screen

IN THE CLASSROOM: Writing for Stage & Screen
Over the summer, Galloway's Upper Learning theater teacher Megan Cramer took advantage of an exciting professional development opportunity at the Georgia Film Academy to enhance her curriculum for her fall course, Writing for Stage and Screen. By studying the two mediums of stage and screen, students practice writing narrative, character development, dialogue, creation of imagery, conflict and its resolution. The class dynamics mirror a “writers’ room:” students engage in bouncing ideas off each other, giving and receiving feedback, authentic collaboration that parallels the professional experience. Each student will write their own individual script for a ten-minute play and a screenplay for a ten-to-fifteen minute film.
One by-product of the class will be the creation of eight scripts that the students will submit to the UL spring Excursion offering, Script to Screen, taught by English teachers Danielle Reed and Katie Crowell.
Because the class process involves ideation, writing, reading and editing by peers, and revision, students can apply this understanding of the components of storytelling to other literature courses. This high school class also prepares students to submit a script with proper formatting and presentation to theater companies or within the film industry.
Galloway students are excited and energetic to be engaged in authentic writing for stage and screen!