Due to the ongoing pandemic, Galloway was unable to host its first summer as a Horizons Atlanta partner on campus this year. However, the important work the school is doing has merely shifted in form. Galloway’s Site Director Bayless Fleming has been leading a team that includes EL teachers and several volunteers to ensure that students’ out-of-school needs are served, while honoring current public health guidelines.
The team started the summer by providing over 25 Chromebooks for rising first grade students at Scott Elementary, Galloway’s partner school. These Chromebooks are loaded with Lexia Online Learning and various educational apps to facilitate continuous learning over the summer. In lieu of on-campus summer camps, students are taking four weeks of virtual reading sessions with Dori Herald, Zeke Epsey, and Becky Chamberlain. Once a week, Bayless and her team also coordinate food drops for families at Scott Elementary.
When students return to school in August, Horizons will continue with programming and events outside of the regular school day. Galloway is excited for what this new venture holds as we continue to grow our partnership with Horizons!