The college counselors in Upper Learning have worked very hard on behalf of Galloway students. Currently, 135 colleges and universities are scheduled to visit the Galloway campus - and the number will likely increase. The colleges come from across the nation and the world: Vanderbilt University, University of Chicago, Northwestern University, Notre Dame, Brandeis, Trinity College of Dublin, Carnegie-Mellon, Dartmouth, Pomona, the University of Southern California, and Lewis and Clark, among others.
Robert Zapotocky has worked in the field of college guidance for 27 years; Ann Fountain has worked in the field for 15 years. Later in the year both guidance counselors will attend the NACAC (National Association of College Guidance Counselors) in Louisville and the SACAC (Southern Association of College Guidance Counselors) in Jacksonville. For two years Mr. Zapotocky has served on the college advisory board for Ohio Wesleyan; in that role he represents Galloway on the Ohio Wesleyan campus. Last year Ms. Fountain was invited to the University of Utah and Westminster College in Salt Lake City to represent Galloway on their campuses.
The hard work of these college counselors pays off. Of last year's senior class, 76 students are attending 51 different colleges in 22 states and Scotland. Those colleges range across the globe, from the University of Edinburgh to the University of Hawaii, and across the country, from Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania in the East, to the Art Institute of Chicago in the Midwest, to the University of Southern California on the West Coast and the University of Texas in the South. And of course Galloway students attend Emory, the University of Georgia, Oglethorpe University, the Savannah College of Art & Design, Spelman University, Georgia State University, and Georgia Tech in their home state.
The college matriculations of the current senior class begin with these 135 college visits to the Galloway campus!